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Bushfire Readiness

The completion of an individual risk analysis for the household/property sets the parameters for the desired bushfire readiness and response.  Readiness includes writing a plan of what your household wants to do and what 'triggers' set off certain parts of the plan.  Bushfire5R assists you with preparing your plan, based on the CFS 'Prepare. Act. Survive'  templates, depending on your intention to 'Stay and Defend' or 'Leave Early'.  Bushfire5R will guide you through your options and specific considerations, limitations and concerns.

Options for effective Bushfire Readiness are discussed and priorities recommended, based upon the current readiness level and the desired readiness level - where you are now and where you want to get.

Options and issues discussed by Bushfire5R include passive readiness (such as home preparation, defensible zones), physical readiness (such as firefighting equipment, communications/information sources and the health/ability of residents) and emotional readiness (the emotional strength to carry out the household plans of Stay and Defend or Leave Early).   

Bushfire Response

Bushfire5R will guide you through the response options and considerations.

Those household members intending to Stay and Defend will be informed about the tactics and equipment that could be used.  Above all, Bushfire5R will emphasise the safety considerations, using examples from case studies to frankly illustrate not only the risks and safety issues but also where proper preparation and planning has in many cases allowed residents to successfully defend their homes.  Examples of short, medium and long duration bushfire incidents will be discussed as all have unique logistical, physical and emotional impacts.

Those household members intending to Leave Early will be guided through the possible 'triggers' they can decide on to activate their response to leave early.  Again, safety considerations will be emphasised, using examples from case studies to describe how good planning and decision-making can result in effective and safe relocation on days of elevated fire dangers.

Bushf​ire Recovery

If a property is impacted by fire, the recovery process can be long and arduous.  Even if the property is unaffected but nearby or surrounding areas have been impacted, the effects on livelihood and normality of life will still be experienced.

Recovery from bushfire can be greatly assisted by steps taken prior to any bushfire or even the start of the bushfire season.  Bushfire5R will guide you through important issues such as pre-event insurance considerations, steps to improve survivability of important documents and items considered of high personal/emotional value, through to expectations and realities of suffering personal loss as a result of bushfire.  Case studies and advice from insurance companies and government recovery authorities will be used to illustrate potential issues and recommended actions.

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